J A N  W I L L E M
B  A   K   K   E  R

Home Portraits (2013) Portraits (2009) Portraits (2008) Portraits (2007) Portraits (2006) Portraits (2005) Portraits (early) BYW <1990 Paris Stills Infrared Louise

The photos on this website are made with 120 or 35mm film camaras from Hasselblad, Canon and Nikon. The most recent photos on the page of my daughter Louise were made with Nikon full frame digital cameras.

All photos show the full un-cropped film frame size and  "Photoshop" photo editing techniques are never used.

This website does not contain advertisements, does not use cookies and does not collect user data

Feel free to write me with comments or questions.

All Photos on this Website
are protected by Copyright.

© 1984 - 2018
Jan Willem Bakker

a p r i l  2 0 0 7

18-04-2007 Davide & Frida

18-04-2007 Louise & Bamsino

29-04-2007 Louise

26-05-2007 Simone & Simona

J U N E   2 0 0 7

09-06-2007 Stefania & Dino

11-06-2007 Emanuele

11-06-2007 Jack & Francesco

11-06-2007 Edoardo & Daniel

09-06-2007 Barbara, Luca, Stefania

11-06-2007 Vieri

11-06-2007 Jacopo

11-06-2007 Business


16-06-2007 Jessica (infrared film)

16-06-2007 Laetizia (35mm)


16-06-2007 Laetizia & Samanta

16-06-2007 Paola

16-06-2007 Carlo & Iolanda

18-06-2007 Alessandro

18-06-2007 Marie

24-06-2007 Jessica & Gianni

16-06-2007 Samanta

16-06-2007 Paola

16-06-2007 Francesco & Francesca

18-06-2007 Alessandro

18-06-2007 Renzo

18-06-2007 SKUM (Sara, David, Natalie)


24-06-2007 Willa

24-06-2007 Lorenzo & Valentina

24-06-2007 Jessica & Ambra

24-06-2007 Carlo & Giulio

24-06-2007 Marco

24-06-2007 Monica & Alessio

24-06-2007 Lorenzo & Valentina

24-06-2007 Jessica, Willa, Valentina

24-06-2007 Elisa



30-06-2007 Jack

30-06-2007 Fulvio & Marco

30-06-2007 Elisa

30-06-2007 Renzo & Margherita

30-06-2007 Vito

30-06-2007 Elco

30-06-2007 Cristina & Marco

30-06-2007 Elisa

30-06-2007 Paolina

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01-07-2007 Pino

07-07-2007 Andrea & Edi

07-07-2007 Matteo

07-07-2007 Cristiana, Maira, Eleonora

09-07-2007 Dorothi Vulgar Questions

07-07-2007 Fabio

01-07-2007 Marco

02-07-2007 Arnolfo

07-07-2007 Barbara

07-07-2007 Gianni

07-07-2007 Jack & Cristiana

21-07-2007 Sean

A U G U S T  2 0 0 7

08-08-2007 Marco
(photo made with Yashica Mat124G of Matteo Lotti)

10-08-2007 Marcus

10-08-2007 Andrea & Lorenzo

16-08-2007 Jan & Louise

16-08-2007 Louise & Jessica

16-08-2007 Gruppo

18-08-2007 Francesco & Enrico

18-08-2007 Ilham & Leandra

20-08-2007 Paolo

16-09-2007 Barbara & Jack

08-08-2007 Marco
(photo made with Yashica Mat124G of Matteo Lotti)


10-08-2007 Sauro

10-08-2007 Alessandro

10-08-2007 Alessandro

16-08-2007 Paolo

16-08-2007 Paolina

18-08-2007 Annalisa & Barbara

18-08-2007 Cristina & Mauro (sgt Van Veen)

20-08-2007 Gianni

N O V E M B E R  2 0 0 7

25-11-2007 Chiara

26-11-2007 Jessica & Chiara

26-11-2007 Ambra

25-11-2007 Marco & Samanta

26-11-2007 Franco

26-11-2007 Riccardo

D E C E M B E R  2 0 0 7

01-12-2007 Fabiano

01-12-2007 Tanasis