J A N  W I L L E M
B  A   K   K   E  R

Home Portraits (2013) Portraits (2009) Portraits (2008) Portraits (2007) Portraits (2006) Portraits (2005) Portraits (early) BYW <1990 Paris Stills Infrared Louise

The photos on this website are made with 120 or 35mm film camaras from Hasselblad, Canon and Nikon. The most recent photos on the page of my daughter Louise were made with Nikon full frame digital cameras.

All photos show the full un-cropped film frame size and  "Photoshop" photo editing techniques are never used.

This website does not contain advertisements, does not use cookies and does not collect user data

Feel free to write me with comments or questions.

All Photos on this Website
are protected by Copyright.

© 1984 - 2018
Jan Willem Bakker

J a n u a r y  2 0 0 6

14-01-2006 Helen & Paolo


F e b r u a r y  2 0 0 6

04-02-2006 Roberto

04-02-2006 Roberto

15-02-2006 Alessandro

19-02-2006 Gianni & Fabio

25-02-2006 Mario

25-02-2006 George

25-02-2006 Andrea

15-02-2006 Alessandro

19-02-2006 Gianni & Fabio

25-02-2006 Mario

25-02-2006 Mario

25-02-2006 Linda

a p r i l  2 0 0 6

02-04-2006 Aurora

02-04-2006 Pino & Chiara

02-04-2006 Samuele

02-04-2006 Pino & Samuele

15-04-2006 Roberta & Dario

15-04-2006 Dario

16-04-2006 Melina

02-04-2006 Aurora

02-04-2006 Pino

02-04-2006 Ciro

02-04-2006 Pino & Samuele

15-04-2006 Roberta

15-04-2006 Dario

20-04-2006 Melina

M A Y  2 0 0 6

01-05-2006 SKUM (Natalie, David, Sara)

01-05-2006 SKUM (Natalie, David, Sara)

J U N E  2 0 0 6

11-06-2006 Easydoro

11-06-2006 Francesco

19-06-2006 Banda di New York

11-06-2006 Paolo

19-06-2006 Cagnolino

19-06-2006 Banda di Colle

J u l y  2 0 0 6

08-07-2006 Pina & Claudio

08-07-2006 Alessandra & Gaetano

08-07-2006 Alessandra & Sara

21-07-2006 Jessica & Jack

21-07-2006 Andrea

21-07-2006 Andrea

22-07-2006 Francesco

08-07-2006 Pina & Claudio

08-07-2006 Alessandra & Gaetano

08-07-2006 Alessandra & Sara

21-07-2006 Jessica & Jack

21-07-2006 Alessandro & Jan
(photo made by Andrea Pitti)

22-07-2006 Francesco


A U G U S T   2 0 0 6

05-08-2006 Sebastian


O C T O B E R   2 0 0 6

13-10-2006 Pino

13-10-2006 Franco & Roberto

13-10-2006 Jessica & Katia

13-10-2006 Antonio

13-10-2006 Andrea

13-10-2006 Cosa Nostra

13-10-2006 Katia, Jessica,  Michela

14-10-2006 Mario & Rosario

D E C E M B E R   2 0 0 6

09-12-2006 Gino


09-12-2006 Jack & Rosario



09-12-2006 Vincent


09-12-2006 The Blair Witches

09-12-2006 Jessica & Valentina